Monthly Archives: January 2011

Raptor close encounter

A few days after Christmas, I was trying to photograph a perching Brahminy Kite that I found in one of my photography spots. Now, I’m such a raptor (those eagles, kites, falcon etc) repellent that I have never successfully captured any images of them perching (this was before my previous posting). Mind you, I have always managed to spot them high up in the sky. There was once, where two juvenile sea eagles were flying relatively low above me and I excitedly took shots after shots. Unfortunately for me, the CF card gave repeated write errors without me realizing and all the money shots got dumped (>50 of them!)

Luck was not about to change for me with regards to this kite, and by the time I got my camera set-up in position, it flew off! Oh well…

Walking away from that spot, suddenly another raptor flew hurriedly away from one of the branches of tree that I was passing though. Luckily for me, it flew a short distance. So I gingerly trod towards it’s presumed landing site.

Just one turn away, my luck changed.
Oriental Honey Buzzard - IMG_2271
It’s an Oriental Honey Buzzard. A winter migrant that has the body of a typical raptor, but the head is unusually small like a pigeon.

So close until I have to cut off the tail in this picture, or risk falling down a monsoon drain…
Oriental Honey Buzzard - IMG_2363

Video of it playing with stick (720p HD option gives higher quality but with slower load time)

New Year’s Eve hiking

I was having a day off on New Year’s Eve and I decided to go hiking to Singapore Quarry in the afternoon. The sky was overcast and I was a bit worried that rain would fall before I made it to the site. Sure enough, around 100 meters to the site, it started pouring. Thankfully I managed to make a quick dash to the shelter without getting drenched.

Waiting for the rain to stop, I set up my camera gear in preparation for taking pictures of the Little Grebes that I had previously photographed. Scanning my surrounding, I heard a bird calling and pointed my camera to get a clearer picture.

It was a Tiger Shrike, calling out in the rain. I took some pictures, and the turned on my camera’s video. My apologies for the wind blowing sound in the video. I need to sort this technical issue out.

Soon, the rain subsided. And after a little while, the Little Grebes appeared at their usual spot. Bobbing in and out of water catching their prey.

First, there is one.
Little Grebe - IMG_3367

The pair together
Little Grebe - IMG_3411

Another view
Little Grebe - IMG_3424
While concentrating with these, I noticed far in the distance, a raptor was circling the pond and then proceeded to perch. It was a juvenile White-bellied Sea Eagle.

Front view
White-bellied Sea Eagle - IMG_3545

Back view
White-bellied Sea Eagle - IMG_3638

Last picture
White-bellied Sea Eagle - IMG_3668


Evening time came much too soon and I had leave. While I was packing up, the Sea Eagle proceeded to circle round the pond searching for it’s own meal. Mine was still a hike back away.